Our Commitment To Customer Satisfaction
We care about your business and are committed to helping you succeed. Total customer satisfaction is our number one priority and our Service Assurance System is designed to address issues quickly and effectively – before they become problems.
If you ever have a concern, each ABC Supply location manager has the authority to address it quickly and effectively. You can also call ABC Supply’s customer satisfaction hotline for even more expert assistance.
Customer Satisfaction Hotline:
Customer Satisfaction Survey
These phone and written surveys ensure you’re always getting the products, service and support you need—from initial order to final invoice. They also help spark new programs, services and initiatives.
We’re grateful to those of you who take a few moments to complete our telephone and written customer satisfaction surveys. If you’re called at an inconvenient time, please ask the surveyor to call back later. If you do not wish to participate, simply let the surveyor know and we will remove you from our call list.